Please feel free to use the following templates in marketing your Local Foods Signature Programs. All templates can be found on the Local Foods Signature Program website at; or feel free to use any of the templates developed by CFAES Communication and Technology to create your own!
General Event Flyer with Registration at Bottom
Use this template to market your local foods signature program if you need to collect registration information. Select a photo that represents the program being offered and place as fill in the blue box. Fill in remaining form with the appropriate information for the program.
Program Templates
Use these templates to market/advertise your local foods signature program if only simple rsvp is needed.
Farmers Market or Local Foods Directory-‐Small Template
Use these templates to create your own farmers market or local foods directory.
Coming in 2014!
• OSU Extension Signature Programs Updated Brochure
• Local Foods Signature Program One-‐Pager
• Large Template-‐Local Foods Directory