Extension's Place at the Local Foods Table

Jan. 11, 2013

OSU Extension Local Foods Signature Program, Kickoff In-Service

January 23, 2013, 10:00AM to 2:45PM


  • Information about how you and your community can participate in OSUExtension’s new Local Foods Signature Program featuring Food Production,Food and Family, Food and Business, and Food and Community
  • Ideas for Extension programming on local foods from Extension educators
  • Networking, discussions and program planning around local foods issues for ANR, CD, 4-H and FCS program staff

To Register: Send registration form/local foods programming survey by email to hogan.1@osu.edu, or FAX to 740.687.7010, or mail to Fairfield County Extension Office before January10th

Questions? Kate Shumaker—330.674.3015
Mike Hogan—740.653.5419