Webinar: Connecting Beginning Farmers to New Markets: Start-up Advice & Resources for Gaining Access to Farmers Markets
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Panel Presenters:
Leanne DuBois, VA Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Virginia Grown Program
Ellen Stewart, Blacksburg Farmers Market
Meredith Ledlie, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Family Nutrition Program
To participate in this webinar, please go to: http://connect.ag.vt.edu/access2farmersmarket/
Summary: Farmers markets are a growth industry in Virginia and the nation and a great venue for new farmers to reach customers and sell products. This panel discussion covers three related themes to help you gain access to farmers markets. First, learn about farmers markets in the state, unique marketing opportunities and resources available to assist in marketing and promotion through the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS). Next, learn a few “best practices” for applying and participating in a local market. There are many variations in farmers markets. How do you find the best fit for your business? How do you apply? Third, learn the ins and outs of accepting SNAP benefits (food stamps) at the farmers market or by applying for your own machine as a new vendor, discussed by our Virginia Cooperative Extension, Family Nutrition Program. And don’t miss the question and answer session at the end of the panel discussion!
Visit the Virginia Beginning Farmer and Rancher Coalition Program for recordings of past webinars and to see what other exciting initiatives are being developed. For more information about the webinar or questions, contact Kim Niewolny (niewolny@vt.edu).
No registration is required. A few minutes before 3PM, go to the website address above and login by typing in your name under the “guest account”. You will then be taken to the webinar. Once logged in, run the audio wizard setup (Select MEETING/RUN AUDIO SETUP WIZARD) to ensure your computer speakers are hooked up and on. To hear the audio and presenters, speakers must be turned on. For additional technical assistance, contact Carl Estes with Virginia Tech at (540) 231-1385. During the webinar, questions can be typed into the chat box on the left hand side of the screen. A recording of this webinar will be available at the Virginia Beginning Farmer Program website afterwards.