
The subject of local foods is a broad critical issue that affects every Ohioan and is of great public interest and need. Local foods programming      includes issues related to food production, marketing, human nutrition, economic development, and others. OSU Extension faculty and staff are currently conducting local foods programs on many of these issues.



  1. Photo of a man holding a basket of locally grown vegetables. Photo by O S U College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

    Make Pledge Today to Celebrate Ohio Local Foods Week, Aug. 7-13

    Aug 1, 2016

    COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohioans are fortunate to be able to enjoy many different types of locally produced foods, and Ohio State University Extension is providing the opportunity for people to celebrate that fact during the second annual Ohio Local Foods Week, Aug. 7-13.

    “We are blessed here in Ohio with an abundance of locally grown and produced items,” said Heather Neikirk, OSU Extension educator and co-leader of Extension’s Local Foods Signature Program. OSU Extension is the outreach arm of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University.

  2. U S D A and Farm Service Agency Logos

    Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Proclaims August 7-13 "National Farmers Market Week"

    Jul 11, 2016

    WASHINGTON, July 11, 2016 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today signed a proclamation declaring Aug. 7-13, 2016, as "National Farmers Market Week." This year marks the 17th annual National Farmers Market Week to honor and celebrate the important role that farmers markets play in local economies.

  3. Iowa State University, Department of Community and Regional Planning, and the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture Release Guidebook for Municipal Zoning for Local Foods In Iowa

    Oct 7, 2015

    This guidebook provides practical guidance and samples of municipal code language from around the country to assist local communities in providing for a strong, vibrant and sustainable food system and neighborhood.  A free digital version is available at the Leopold Center website.